How To Actually Go Viral On Instagram In 2024


In today’s dynamic social media landscape, Reels have become the go-to format for accelerating growth on Instagram. Compared to photos or carousel posts, Reels are significantly more likely to go viral, offering an unparalleled opportunity to reach new audiences and elevate your brand.

However, while achieving virality can be a game-changer, it shouldn't be the only goal. Here's a comprehensive guide on leveraging Reels to grow your audience while focusing on consistent, value-driven content.

1. Consistency Over Virality

While going viral can rapidly increase your follower count, it’s essential not to chase virality with every post. Instead, focus on consistently creating content that connects with your audience and adds genuine value. Building a loyal and engaged community over time is more sustainable and beneficial than short-lived bursts of attention.

2. Define Your Own Viral

"Viral" can mean different things for different accounts. Instead of comparing yourself to others, define what going viral means for your brand based on your own metrics. For some, it could be reaching 10,000 views on a Reel, while for others, it might be 100,000. Setting realistic and personalized goals will help you track your growth effectively.

3. Create Share-Worthy Content

The key to going viral lies in creating content that people feel compelled to share. Share-worthy content often falls into the following categories:

  • Inspirational or Motivational: Quotes, uplifting messages, or heartfelt reminders.
  • Call to Arms: Content rallying support for a cause or movement.
  • Relatable Content: Posts that resonate personally with viewers.
  • Controversial Content: Unpopular opinions or provocative statements.
  • Trending Topics or Breaking News: Content related to current events.

Including text on Reels, such as titles, labels, or closed captions, can further enhance engagement. Multiple pieces of text can capture viewers' attention and increase the likelihood of sharing.

4. Incorporate Memes and Breaking News

Although less frequent, memes and breaking news can still contribute to viral success. Creative use of these elements can make your content more relatable and timely, driving additional views and shares.

5. Utilize Listicles for Engagement

Reels that present lists, whether tips or recommendations, have proven to be highly effective. Structured, list-based content is easy to digest and share, which increases its potential to go viral.

6. Make Use of Effects

Effects can play a significant role in capturing attention. In a study of viral Reels, five out of 25 used some form of effect, ranging from simple zooms to complex visual enhancements. While effects are not always necessary, they can add an extra layer of interest to your content.

7. Dancing: A Trending but Non-Essential Element

Dancing appeared in six and a half out of 25 viral Reels analyzed. While it can be a fun and engaging element, it’s not a must-have for virality. If dancing doesn’t align with your brand or content style, you can still achieve success without it.

8. The Essential Ingredients for a Viral Reel

  • Existing Audio: Reusing popular audio clips or music can boost your Reel's visibility. Seven out of 25 viral Reels used existing audio.
  • Questions in Captions: Start with an open-ended question in your caption to spark engagement. This strategy was employed in seven viral Reels.
  • Lists of Ideas: Providing multiple suggestions or tips in a list format can keep viewers engaged and add value without seeming prescriptive.

Conclusion: Crafting Reels for Success

While there is no guaranteed formula for virality, understanding these trends and techniques can significantly increase your chances. Focus on consistency, value, and engagement over quick, viral success. Experiment with different formats, from text overlays to trending audios, and remember that the best content is often share-worthy and resonates deeply with your audience.

Ready to create your next viral Reel? Start experimenting with these strategies today, and watch your Instagram growth soar!

Experts like Chalene & Brock Johnson emphasize the importance of leveraging Instagram's latest features, such as Reels, to boost engagement and reach new audiences.

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